Why You Should Get Regular Dental Checkups

Why Get Regular Dental Checkups – Top 4 Reasons

Many people in San Juan Capistrano dread visiting the dentist’s office, let alone returning for an appointment at least twice a year. Some even postpone their appointment even if they already suffer from pain or discomfort. While visiting the dentist may not be the most exciting thing to do, it plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall oral health. It’s easy to think that everything’s good with your teeth and gums, but the dentist may spot telltale signs of problems that would lead to severe consequences later. Here are the top four reasons why get regular dental checkups.

1) Detect early signs of oral cancer

Oral cancer is one of the most unforgiving types of cancer. When it isn’t diagnosed early, cancer can progress quickly and turn into a life-threatening disease. A regular dental checkup involves oral cancer detection to ensure a quick and proper diagnosis.

A trip to the dentist’s office every six months increases the chances of detecting the signs of oral cancer. Early detection holds the key to treating it successfully. Most reputable dentists use a VELscope Cancer exam, a non-invasive procedure that catches signs of dead tissue due to tumors.

2) Avoid plaque, tartar, and cavities

Have you developed the habit of brushing and flossing your teeth? If so, you’re doing an excellent job of caring for your pearly whites. It’s still possible, however, to suffer from plaque and tartar buildup even if you’re the most diligent brusher and flosser.

You may miss small areas in your mouth when brushing and flossing. These areas are prone to plaque buildup, which eventually solidifies into tartar. Without professional assistance, these two problems can be challenging to get rid of. Over time, tartar erodes the teeth and creates holes known as cavities. A cleaning appointment twice a year can go a long way in preventing these problems.

3) Prevent gum disease

Did you know that the most common reason for tooth loss among adults is gum disease? Interestingly, gum disease is also linked to tartar buildup. Too much tartar can infect the area where the gum meets the tooth, causing the gum to pull away.

The early signs of gum disease include swelling, soreness, and bleeding. Eventually, the affected tooth will loosen and fall off. Extreme cases of gum disease require the attention of a specialist, which means spending more money. You can avoid suffering from gum disease if you have a dental professional examine your teeth and gums regularly.

4) Keep bad habits in check

You may be doing a lot of things that seem inconspicuous, but they may be the root cause of your oral health problems. The most common bad habits include chewing ice, eating sticky sweets, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, biting your nails, drinking coffee, brushing your teeth too hard, and smoking.

You may tell yourself: Why get regular dental checkups when you don’t feel anything wrong with your teeth or gums? The dentist can see the damage caused by these bad habits, ones you’re probably not aware of unless you start feeling pain. Not only can the dentist correct the damage that has been done already, but also provide you with advice on how to make better lifestyle choices.

If you need to have a dental checkup, give us a call!  We can be reached on our contact page here:

Or visit us online here. Or stop by our office for a visit:

Mission Laser Dentistry | Robert K Faber DDS Inc

31921 Camino Capistrano Suite #21

San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

(949) 493-3376